HUDU Mobile App

Our mobile app provides a way for operators to complete the record in the app which then pushes the data over to the HUDU database for storage and Managers review. The app helps Operators stay compliant and on top of assigned frequencies by flagging the activities that are due. The HUDU app is an easy way to document program records like:


Chemical Batches

Liner Vents

Presco Checks

Continuous Chemical

CP Rectifier

Works with limited or no cellular coverage

When the Operator gets back into coverage and opens the app all the records that where created offline automatically get pushed over the HUDU database.

Many conditions are built into the app to document items that regulatory auditors look for.

For example, if a possible liner vent leak is identified during checks, the app will prompt the Operator to add a comment and a HUDU work order will automatically be created to document the follow-up.
